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Category Archives: lifestyle

Benefits of gelatin.

Gelatin is a colorless protein that can be dissolved in warm water. And will have a flexible appearance similar to jelly. When cooled Gelatin contains many beneficial amino acids and is low in calories. Gelatin is extracted during the production of collagen. Which is taking animal parts such as bones,

When is the best time to consume collagen?

Eating collagen can be done at any time. Whether eating collagen in the morning, lunch, evening, or before bed. It can stimulate the body to produce collagen. And bring collagen to provide effective benefits as well  By the present supplements are often hydrolyzed. Which is


One good way to boost your brain is to exercise in the morning. which in addition to helping nourish the body to be strong. Exercise in various forms. Such as dancing, walking, jogging. At least 30 minutes a day may also help increase blood flow to

Drink chicken essence soup.

Drinking chicken essence soup in the morning is a quick and easy way to boost your brain. Suitable for those who don’t have time to eat breakfast. Or have certain health problems such as bloating and indigestion. This is because chicken soup extract can be

5 ways to wake up and not feel sleepy

Many people probably face the problem of having to wake up early and rush to work or school, but wake up and feel drowsy. I want to sleep for another 5 minutes. I feel exhausted. If you don’t look bright, we have 5 ways to wake up

How to care for facial skin in 4 easy steps

No matter what skin type you have. Regular facial care with the right methods will help correct skin problems and help keep skin smooth, clear, and healthy. There are only 4 easy steps as follows: โปรโมชั่น ufabet 1. washing face The first step in any facial skin

Simple Ways To Take Care Of Your Facial Skin

following the correct facial skin care method is an important factor that helps prevent skin problems such as acne, dry skin, and darkened skin, as well as helping to slow down the deterioration of the skin according to age. However, because there are many products

How to clean your ears safely

Do you feel like your ears are clogged? Earwax helps protect your ears. However, excessive earwax buildup can make it harder to hear. Using a cotton swab is not a safe way to remove earwax. Here are our best tips for safely cleaning your girls’ ears. ทางเข้า

Idea to make money, make stickers for sale

Idea to make money, make stickers for sale For those who like to draw, like to design If you are skilled at painting logo design Letters or pictures of various symbols can create works in the form of small stickers, ideas, words, words, provocative messages, etc. to be attached